But I can't hear a word you say Però no puc sentir una paraula del que dius
I'm talking loud not saying much Parlo em veu alta, sense dir molt
I'm criticized but all you bull is brick or shame Em critiques pero tot el teu toro és vergonya
You shoot me down, but I get up Em dispares, però m'aixeco
I'm bulletproof nothing to lose Estic a proba de bales, sense perdre res
Fire away, fire away Foc immediat, foc immediat
Brick or shame, take you rain Bloc de vergonya, agafa la teva pluja
Fire away, fire away Foc immediat, foc immediat
You shoot me down, but I won't fall Em dispares però no cauré
I'm titanium Soc titani
You shoot me down, but I won't fall Em dispares però no cauré
I'm titanium Soc titani
I'm titanium Soc titani
Cut me down Em vas tallar
But is you who had offered there to fall Però ets tu qui s'habia oferit a caure
Ghost town, haunted love Ciutat fantasma, amor turmentat
Raise your voice, sticks and stones may brake Aixeques la veu, pals i pedres podran trencar
my bones els meus ossos
I'm talking loud not saying much Parlo em veu alta, sense dir molt
I'm bulletproof nothing to lose Estic a proba de bales, sense perdre res
Fire away, fire away Foc immediat, foc immediat
Brick or shame, take you rain Bloc de vergonya, agafa la teva pluja
Fire away, fire away Foc immediat, foc immediat
You shoot me down, but I won't fall Em dispares però no cauré
I'm titanium Soc titani
You shoot me down, but I won't fall Em dispares però no cauré
I'm titanium Soc titani
I'm titanium Soc titani
Stone-hard, machine gun Pedra dura, ametralladora
Firing at the ones who rise Disparant els que s'aixequen
Stone-hard, thus bulletproof Dura pedra, a proba de bales
You shoot me down, but I won't fall Em dispares però no cauré
I'm titanium Soc titani
You shoot me down, but I won't fall Em dispares però no cauré
I'm titanium Soc titani
You shoot me down, but I won't fall Em dispares però no cauré
I'm titanium Soc titani
You shoot me down, but I won't fall Em dispares però no cauré
I'm titanium Soc titani